New Release (1.2)

Find the release notes for version 1.2 here.
Find the release notes for version 1.1 here.

CavVisit | API Documentation Current version 1.2

Introduction to CavVisit WEB API integration.

NOTE! If you want to integrate with CavVisit RESTFul API you will need the following (free of charge).

  1. Signed NDA with PartnerSec.
  2. An online introduction of CavVisit.
  3. 3. API keys and login to the main CavVisit service.

Send an email to and you will contacted by our API team that will supply you with all the information you need.


CavVisit is a cloud-based Automatic Visitor Management system that is a part of the cloud-based PartnerSec APV platform - Access control, Payment system, Visitor Management.

CavVisit is the fully automated Visitor Management system that will guide visitors in your facilities and make sure the hosts are notified up on their arrival. You can design the visitors experience and let the system give them the world’s best first impression.

System info

Owner = Commercial Real Estate company, Enterprise, Small & Medium business that requires visitor management.

Facility = A Facility is a way to give unique settings such as system behavior, integrations, email, text message etc to a local office, tenant in a multi floor building etc. If there are 10 tenants in a multi floor building they will each get their own Facility. If there are one HQ and 3 local offices, there will be 4 Facilities.

Host = Is a person or resource that can receive visitors.

Visitor = A person, vehicle or resource visiting a host.

One Facility – One Integration

Each Facility has its unique integration keys (Customer ID and WEB API Key). This means that if you are going to create integrations to several Facilities you need to remember that you will have to send commands to 4 different Facilities. Example;

Facility 1 = Head quarters
API user info = Customer ID=1 and WEB API key=1234

Facility 2 = Local office West Coast
API user info = Customer ID=2 and WEB API key=12345

Facility 3 = Local office East Coast
API user info = Customer ID=3 and WEB API key=123456

Facility 4 = Local office South Coast
API user info = Customer ID=4 and WEB API key=1234567

For further questions, contact PartnerSec on



Retrieves visits that exists in CavVisit.

JSON example

    type: 'GET',
    url: '',
    data: { customerKey: "123456789", customerId: "1" },
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (data) {},
    error: function (request, message, error) {}


string customerKey
The string representing the unique web key of the customer in the database.

int customerId
The int representing the unique ID of the customer in the database.

Return value

Type: List<Visit>
A list of visits information.


new GetVisitById    New in 1.2

Retrieves a visit.

JSON example

    type: 'GET',
    url: '',
    data: { customerKey: "123456789", customerId: "1", id:"1" },
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (data) {},
    error: function (request, message, error) {}


string customerKey
The string representing the unique web key of the customer in the database.

int customerId
The int representing the unique ID of the customer in the database.

int id
The int representing the unique ID of the visit in the database.

Return value

Type: List<Visit>
A list of visits information.



Retrieves visits that exists in CavVisit and belongs to host.

JSON example

    type: 'GET',
    url: '',
    data: { customerKey: "123456789", customerId: "1", hostId: "18545" },
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (data) {},
    error: function (request, message, error) {}


string customerKey
The string representing the unique web key of the customer in the database.

int customerId
The int representing the unique ID of the customer in the database.

int hostId
The int representing the unique ID of the host in the database.

Return value

Type: List<Visit>
A list of visits information.



Retrieves visits that exists in CavVisit during the date period.

JSON example

    type: 'GET',
    url: '',
    data: { customerKey: "123456789", customerId: "1", dateFrom: "2020-03-20 05:15", dateTo: "2021-03-20 05:15" },
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (data) {},
    error: function (request, message, error) {}


string customerKey
The string representing the unique web key of the customer in the database.

int customerId
The int representing the unique ID of the customer in the database.

string dateFrom
The string representing the from date.

string dateTo
The string representing the to date.

Return value

Type: List<Visit>
A list of visits information.



Creates a new visit.

JSON example

var Visit = JSON.stringify({
    VisitorName: "Chris Park", VisitorCompany: "CavVisit SA", Telephone: "0046889977", MobilePhone: "040888877", Email: "", Host: "1505",
    Notes: "Created by API", CarPlate: "NMM 565", GroupName: "SV GROUP", Place: "Office", Subject: "API visit", Organizer: "Chris Park", Field1: "f1",
    DateVisit: "2020-03-20 05:15", DateValidTo: "2021-11-29 10:00", Combined:"combined B"

    type: 'POST',
    url: '',
    data: {customerKey: "1234567891", customerId: "1", Visit},
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (data) {},
    error: function (data) {}


string customerKey
The string representing the unique web key of the customer in the database.

int customerId
The int representing the unique ID of the customer in the database.

Visit Visit
A visit object.

Return value

Type: List<Visit>
A list containing one visit.



Updates an existing visit.

JSON example

var Visit = JSON.stringify({
    Id: "100734", VisitorName: "Chris Park", VisitorCompany: "PARTNERSEC", Telephone: "08889789", MobilePhone: "040888877", Email: "", Host: "1505",
    Notes: "Updated by API", CarPlate: "NMM 565", GroupName: "SV GROUP", Place: "Office", Subject: "API visit", Organizer: "Chris", Field1: "f1",
    DateVisit: "2020-03-20 05:15", DateValidTo: "2021-11-29 10:00", Combined:"combined B"

    type: 'PUT',
    url: '',
    data: {customerKey: "123456789", customerId: "1", Visit},
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (data) {},
    error: function (data) {}


string customerKey
The string representing the unique web key of the customer in the database.

int customerId
The int representing the unique ID of the customer in the database.

Visit Visit
A visit object.

Return value

Type: List<Visit>
A list containing one visit.


Deletes a visit.

JSON example

    type: 'DELETE',
    url: '',
    data: {customerKey: "123456789", customerId: "1", Id: "112561"},
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (data) {},
    error: function (request, message, error) {}

string customerKey
The string representing the unique web key of the customer in the database.

int customerId
The int representing the unique ID of the customer in the database.

int id
The int representing the unique ID of the visit in the database.

new CreateGroupVisit    New in 1.2

Creates a group visit.

JSON example

var visitors = [{ VisitorName: "Person 1", VisitorCompany: "VCompany 1", MobilePhone: "000001", Email: "", Field1: "field 1 p1", Field2: "field 2 p1" },
                { VisitorName: "Person 2", VisitorCompany: "VCompany 2", MobilePhone: "000002", Email: "", Field1: "field 1 p2", Field2: "field 2 p2" },
                { VisitorName: "Person 3", VisitorCompany: "VCompany 3", MobilePhone: "000003", Email: "", Field1: "field 1 p3", Field2: "field 2 p3" }

var GroupVisit = JSON.stringify({
    Host: "1", Notes: "Group API Notes", Location: "Group location", GroupName: "Group name Hello",
    Place: "Stockholm", Subject: "My subject test API", Organizer: "Organizer API",
    DateVisit: "2023-05-25T05:15:00Z", DateValidTo: "2023-05-25 22:00", Visitors: visitors

    type: 'POST',
    url: '',
    data: {customerKey: "1234567891", customerId: "1", GroupVisit},
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (data) {},
    error: function (data) {}


string customerKey
The string representing the unique web key of the customer in the database.

int customerId
The int representing the unique ID of the customer in the database.

GroupVisit GroupVisit
A GroupVisit object.

Return value

Type: string
The GroupId of the created group.


new UpdateGroupVisit    New in 1.2

Updates a group visit.

JSON example

var GroupVisitInfo = JSON.stringify({
    Host: "1", Notes: "Group API Notes", Location: "Group location", GroupName: "Group name Hello",
    Place: "Stockholm", Subject: "My subject test API", Organizer: "Organizer API",
    DateVisit: "2023-05-25T05:15:00Z", DateValidTo: "2023-05-25 22:00"

    type: 'PUT',
    url: '',
    data: {customerKey: "1234567891", customerId: "1", GroupVisitInfo},
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (data) {},
    error: function (data) {}


string customerKey
The string representing the unique web key of the customer in the database.

int customerId
The int representing the unique ID of the customer in the database.

GroupVisitInfo GroupVisitInfo
A groupvisitinfo object.

Return value

Type: string


new DeleteGroupVisit    New in 1.2

Deletes a group visit.

JSON example

    type: 'DELETE',
    url: '',
    data: {customerKey: "123456789", customerId: "1", groupId: "9E4F3383-8409-4FD4-BE69-73478F8C6C4A"},
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (data) {},
    error: function (request, message, error) {}


string customerKey
The string representing the unique web key of the customer in the database.

int customerId
The int representing the unique ID of the customer in the database.

string groupId
The string representing the Group ID of the group visit in the database.

new AddVisitToGroup    New in 1.2

Adds a visit to a group visit.

JSON example

var Visitor = JSON.stringify({
    GroupId: "98B371AE-9EC1-4243-B6D5-358F658CFA29", VisitorName: "API person3", VisitorCompany: "API Company", MobilePhone: "070752566",
    Email: "", Field1: "API Field1", Field2: "API Field2",
    Cfield1: "True" });

    type: 'POST',
    url: '',
    data: {customerKey: "123456789", customerId: "1", Visitor},
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (data) {},
    error: function (request, message, error) {}


string customerKey
The string representing the unique web key of the customer in the database.

int customerId
The int representing the unique ID of the customer in the database.

Visitor Visitor
A visitor object.

new UpdateVisitInGroup    New in 1.2

Updates a visit in a group visit.

JSON example

var Visitor = JSON.stringify({
    GroupId: "98B371AE-9EC1-4243-B6D5-358F658CFA29", VisitorName: "API person3", VisitorCompany: "API Company", MobilePhone: "070752566",
    Email: "", Field1: "API Field1", Field2: "API Field2",
    Cfield1: "True" });

    type: 'PUT',
    url: '',
    data: {customerKey: "123456789", customerId: "1", Visitor},
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (data) {},
    error: function (request, message, error) {}


string customerKey
The string representing the unique web key of the customer in the database.

int customerId
The int representing the unique ID of the customer in the database.

Visitor Visitor
A visitor object.

Return value

Type: string


new DeleteVisitFromGroup    New in 1.2

Deletes a visit from a group visit.

JSON example

    type: 'DELETE',
    url: '',
    data: {customerKey: "123456789", customerId: "1", id: "1"},
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (data) {},
    error: function (request, message, error) {}


string customerKey
The string representing the unique web key of the customer in the database.

int customerId
The int representing the unique ID of the customer in the database.

int id
The int representing the unique ID of the visit in the database.



Retrieves companies that exists in CavVisit.

JSON example

    type: 'GET',
    url: '',
    data: {customerKey: "123456789", customerId: "1"},
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (data) {},
    error: function (data) {}


string customerKey
The string representing the unique web key of the customer in the database.

int customerId
The int representing the unique ID of the customer in the database.

Return value

Type: List<Company>
A list of companies information.


Creates a company.

JSON example

var Company = JSON.stringify({ 
    Description: "Web Api Company", Address: "Regeringsgatan 22", City: "Stockholm", PostCode: "17 32", Country: "SE", DefaultCheckOutMinutes: "30", 
    Email: "", Telephone: "0046888971", MobilePhone: "0046702525", VatNumber: "SE0704588", Notes: "Created by API", RcoAccessGroup: "RCO Grupp 1" 

    type: 'POST',
    url: '',
    data: {customerKey: "123456789", customerId: "1", Company},
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (data) {},
    error: function (data) {}


string customerKey
The string representing the unique web key of the customer in the database.

int customerId
The int representing the unique ID of the customer in the database.

Company Company
A company object.

Return value

Type: List<Company>
A list containing one company.


Updates an existing company's information.

JSON example

var Company = JSON.stringify({
    Id: "222", Description: "Company name", Address: "Regeringsgatan 23", City: "Stockholm", PostCode: "12732", Country: "SE", DefaultCheckOutMinutes: "32",
    Email: "", Telephone: "08565656", MobilePhone: "070525252", VatNumber: "027329841", Notes: "Updated by API", RcoAccessGroup: "RCO Grupp 1" 

    type: 'PUT',
    url: '',
    data: {customerKey: "123456789", customerId: "1", Company},
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (data) {},
    error: function (data) {}


string customerKey
The string representing the unique web key of the customer in the database.

int customerId
The int representing the unique ID of the customer in the database.

Company Company
A company object.

Return value

Type: List<Company>
A list containing one company.


Deletes a company.

JSON example

    type: 'DELETE',
    url: '',
    data: {customerKey: "123456789", customerId: "1", id: "21"},
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (data) {},
    error: function (request, message, error) {}


string customerKey
The string representing the unique web key of the customer in the database.

int customerId
The int representing the unique ID of the customer in the database.

int Id
The int representing the unique ID of the company in the database.



Retrieves a host.

JSON example

    type: 'GET',
    url: '',
    data: {customerKey: "123456789", customerId: "1", hostId: "12345"},
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (data) {},
    error: function (data) {}


string customerKey
The string representing the unique web key of the customer in the database.

int customerId
The int representing the unique ID of the customer in the database.

int hostId
The int representing the unique ID of the host in the database.

Return value

Type: List<Host>
A list containing one host.


Retrieves a host.

JSON example

    type: 'GET',
    url: '',
    data: {customerKey: "123456789", customerId: "1", hostGuid: "12345"},
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (data) {},
    error: function (data) {}


string customerKey
The string representing the unique web key of the customer in the database.

int customerId
The int representing the unique ID of the customer in the database.

string hostGuid
The string representing the guid of the host in the database.

Return value

Type: List<Host>
A list containing one host.


Retrieves hosts that belongs to a company in CavVisit.

JSON example

    type: 'GET',
    url: '',
    data: {customerKey: "123456789", customerId: "1", company: "220"},
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (data) {},
    error: function (data) {}


string customerKey
The string representing the unique web key of the customer in the database.

int customerId
The int representing the unique ID of the customer in the database.

int company
The int representing the unique ID of the company in the database.

Return value

Type: List<Host>
A list of hosts information.


Creates a host.

JSON example

var Host = JSON.stringify({
    Active: "true", Name: "Chris", Surname: "Park", Personnumber: "860601", Address: "Regeringsgatan 34", PostCode: "12732",
    City: "Stockholm", Country: "SE", Email: "", Phone: "2651026262", Mobile: "6948686565", Additional_Emails: ",",
    Department: "IT Stockholm", CardNumber: "112256985", WebEnabled: "true", WebUsername: "chrispark", WebPassword: "peace-out123", CampTracAccount: "1256666", CompanyId: "222"

    type: 'POST',
    url: '',
    data: {customerKey: "123456789", customerId: "1", Host},
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (data) {},
    error: function (data) {}


string customerKey
The string representing the unique web key of the customer in the database.

int customerId
The int representing the unique ID of the customer in the database.

Host Host
A host object.

Return value

Type: List<Host>
A list containing one host.


Updates an existing host's information.

JSON example

var Host = JSON.stringify({Id: "1521",
    Active: "true", Name: "Chris", Surname: "Park", Personnumber: "850525", Address: "Regeringsgatan 20", PostCode: "127 33", City: "Stockholm", 
    Country: "SE", Email: "", Phone: "0046855225511", Mobile: "00467025252516", Additional_Emails: ",",
    Department: "IT Stockholm", CardNumber: "112256985", WebEnabled: "true", WebUsername: "", WebPassword: "peaceout123", CampTracAccount: "1256666", CompanyId: "222"

    type: 'PUT',
    url: '',
    data: {customerKey: "123456789", customerId: "1", Host},
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (data) {},
    error: function (data) {}


string customerKey
The string representing the unique web key of the customer in the database.

int customerId
The int representing the unique ID of the customer in the database.

Host Host
A host object.

Return value

Type: List<Host>
A list containing one host.


Deletes a host.

JSON example

    type: 'DELETE',
    url: '',
    data: {customerKey: "123456789", customerId: "1", hostId: "21"},
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (data) {},
    error: function (request, message, error) {}


string customerKey
The string representing the unique web key of the customer in the database.

int customerId
The int representing the unique ID of the customer in the database.

int Id
The int representing the unique ID of the host in the database.


Activates an existing host.

JSON example

    type: 'PUT',
    url: '',
    data: {customerKey: "123456789", customerId: "1", hostId: "123"},
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (data) {},
    error: function (data) {}


string customerKey
The string representing the unique web key of the customer in the database.

int customerId
The int representing the unique ID of the customer in the database.

int hostId
The int representing the unique ID of the host in the database.


Deactivates an existing host.

JSON example

    type: 'PUT',
    url: '',
    data: {customerKey: "123456789", customerId: "1", hostId: "123"},
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (data) {},
    error: function (data) {}


string customerKey
The string representing the unique web key of the customer in the database.

int customerId
The int representing the unique ID of the customer in the database.

int hostId
The int representing the unique ID of the host in the database.


A class representing the visit information.


class Visit
    int Id
    string VisitorName (100 characters length)
    string VisitorCompany (100 characters length)
    string HostName
    string Telephone (20 characters length)
    string MobilePhone (20 characters length)
    string Email (254 characters length)
    string Notes
    string Location (50 characters length)
    string CarPlate (20 characters length)
    string CardNumber (30 characters length)
    string Pincode (10 characters length)
    string GroupName (50 characters length)
    string Place (100 characters length)
    string Subject (100 characters length)
    string Organizer (100 characters length)
    string Field1 (50 characters length)
    string Field2 (50 characters length)
    string Field3 (50 characters length)
    string Field4 (50 characters length)
    string Field5 (50 characters length)
    string Field6 (50 characters length)
    string Field7 (50 characters length)
    string Field8 (50 characters length)
    string Field9 (50 characters length)
    string Field10 (50 characters length)
    bool Cfield1
    bool Cfield2
    bool Cfield3
    bool Cfield4
    bool Cfield5
    bool Cfield6
    bool Cfield7
    bool Cfield8
    bool Cfield9
    bool Cfield10
    bool Cfield11
    bool Cfield12
    bool Cfield13
    bool Cfield14
    bool Cfield15
    int Host
    DateTime DateVisit
    DateTime DateValidTo
    DateTime DateCheckedIn
    DateTime DateCheckedOut
    int Status
    int CampTracId
    string QrCode
    string Combined  (50 characters length)  [New in v1.1] 


A class representing the group visit information.


class GroupVisit
    string GroupId
    int Host
    string HostName (read only)
    DateTime DateVisit
    DateTime DateValidTo
    string Notes
    string Location (50 characters length)
    string GroupName (50 characters length)
    string Subject (100 characters length)
    string Organizer (100 characters length)
    List Visitors


A class representing the GroupVisitInfo information.


class GroupVisitInfo
    string GroupId
    int Host
    string HostName (read only)
    DateTime DateVisit
    DateTime DateValidTo
    string Notes
    string Location
    string GroupName
    string Place
    string Subject
    string Organizer


A class representing the visitor information.


class Visitor
    int Id
    string GroupId
    string VisitorName (100 characters length)
    string VisitorCompany (100 characters length)
    string MobilePhone (20 characters length)
    string Email (254 characters length)
    string Field1 (50 characters length)
    string Field2 (50 characters length)
    string Field3 (50 characters length)
    string Field4 (50 characters length)
    string Field5 (50 characters length)
    string Field6 (50 characters length)
    string Field7 (50 characters length)
    string Field8 (50 characters length)
    string Field9 (50 characters length)
    string Field10 (50 characters length)
    bool Cfield1
    bool Cfield2
    bool Cfield3
    bool Cfield4
    bool Cfield5
    bool Cfield6
    bool Cfield7
    bool Cfield8
    bool Cfield9
    bool Cfield10
    bool Cfield11
    bool Cfield12
    bool Cfield13
    bool Cfield14
    bool Cfield5
    string QrCode


A class representing the company information.


class Company
    int Id
    string Description (50 characters length)
    string VatNumber (20 characters length)
    DateTime RegistrationDate
    string Address (50 characters length)
    string City (50 characters length)
    string PostCode (10 characters length)
    string Country (2 characters length)
    string Telephone (50 characters length)
    string MobilePhone (50 characters length)
    string Email (254 characters length)
    string Notes
    string RcoAccessGroup (40 characters length)
    int DefaultCheckOutMinutes


A class representing the host information.


class Host
    int Id
    bool Active
    string Name
    string Surname
    string Personnumber
    string Address
    string PostCode
    string City
    string Country
    string Phone
    string Mobile
    string Email
    string Additional_Emails
    string Department
    string CardNumber
    bool WebEnabled
    string WebUsername
    string WebPassword
    int CampTracAccount
    int CompanyId
    string EmployeeNo
    string EmployeeGuid