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Release notes version 1.1 version1.1


new parameter CreateVisit    New in 1.1

Creates a new visit.

JSON example

Note: New parameter [Combined] added.

var Visit = JSON.stringify({
    VisitorName: "Chris Park", VisitorCompany: "CavVisit SA", Telephone: "0046889977", MobilePhone: "040888877", Email: "", Host: "1505",
    Notes: "Created by API", CarPlate: "NMM 565", GroupName: "SV GROUP", Place: "Office", Subject: "API visit", Organizer: "Chris Park", Field1: "f1",
    DateVisit: "2020-03-20 05:15", DateValidTo: "2021-11-29 10:00", Combined:"combined B"

    type: 'POST',
    url: '',
    data: {customerKey: "1234567891", customerId: "1", Visit},
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (data) {},
    error: function (data) {}


string customerKey
The string representing the unique web key of the customer in the database.

int customerId
The int representing the unique ID of the customer in the database.

Visit Visit
A visit object.



new parameter UpdateVisit    New in 1.1

Updates an existing visit.

JSON example

Note: New parameter [Combined] added.

var Visit = JSON.stringify({
    Id: "100734", VisitorName: "Chris Park", VisitorCompany: "PARTNERSEC", Telephone: "08889789", MobilePhone: "040888877", Email: "", Host: "1505",
    Notes: "Updated by API", CarPlate: "NMM 565", GroupName: "SV GROUP", Place: "Office", Subject: "API visit", Organizer: "Chris", Field1: "f1",
    DateVisit: "2020-03-20 05:15", DateValidTo: "2021-11-29 10:00", Combined:"combined B"

    type: 'PUT',
    url: '',
    data: {customerKey: "123456789", customerId: "1", Visit},
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (data) {},
    error: function (data) {}


string customerKey
The string representing the unique web key of the customer in the database.

int customerId
The int representing the unique ID of the customer in the database.

Visit Visit
A visit object.